155 West Paces Ferry Rd NW
Atlanta, GA 30305
Join your Panhellenic sisters to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of Atlanta Alumnae Panhellenic, honor Scholarship and Sorority Award winners and past Atlanta Panhellenic presidents.
New officers will be installed for our 2017-2018 year.
Honors will be bestowed on Outstanding Chapter Advisor, Outstanding Alumnae Chapter, and Panhellenic Woman of the Year.
In honor of AAPA’s 90th anniversary, a Commendation from Governor Deal will be presented, as well as a proclamation from the City of Atlanta. There will be a special celebration for all of our Panhellenic sisters who have reached age 90!
There will be a silent auction and raffle to benefit the Sisters for Scholars Fund, which provides annual scholarship awards for high school, collegiate and alumnae women.